Welcoming Poster for SkyBike to Downtown WPB with an original artwork of Downtown Icons.
Branding, Web and Advertising Campaign for a South Florida Community.
Illustrations, Logo, Website and Promotional items for a poetry project from the author Philip Schwartz.
The poems dedicated to children and children at heart, follow the adventures of Hugo the Hippo traveling around the world meeting new places and friends.
UI/UX Design for Polaroid Fotobar On the go!
An app that would allow you to print Polaroid pictures from your phone.
Developed with team Cuemby:
Angel Ramirez Senior Web Developer | Juan Lopez Developer
Branding proposal for a highrise located in one of the best areas in the City of Chicago. Project included Logo, Colors, Fonts, Advertising Campaigns, Stationary and other Marketing materials.
Campaign for the No violence against women.
Art Direction for a campaign developed in 2011 with the intention of denaturalize the gender violence in Cuba. Project was developed in collaboration with: Brenda Massola, Social Communication Specialist and Helena Rodriguez, Cinematographer.
Sample of some of motion graphics and videos I have being able to work on for later use on corporate websites, events and social media platforms.
Logo and marketing materials designed for the new Riviera Beach Marina
Album Cover Art for the cuban band Moneda Dura
Research, Concept and Art Direction proposed for the re-branding of Tao at Sawgrass.
Illustration and Design of Motivational Posters for Crescent Heights employees.
Design and production of a Business Reference Book. An editorial piece of 102 pages, containing reference letters and information about the company.
Using a heavy texture paper for the cover, with the logo printed in white foil and a soft touch paper with uv coating for the interior pages, all designed with a consistent look and great finish to reflect the excellence that this company stands for.
Poster design proposals submitted for special events and commemorations in Havana, Cuba.
UI/UX and Logo design for a project developed at BattleHack Miami 2014, event sponsored by @Paypaldev. The main concept is empower communication and help people with any kind of disabilities to communicate. The platform provides 3 ways of communication Text, Speech and Sign Language. The goal is to combine those 3 methods and translate from one to another. Using the services from Twilio, LeapMotion, SendGrid, Paypal and more.
Team Cuemby:
Angel Ramirez Senior Web Developer
Juan Lopez Developer
Adrian Cardenas PHP Nerd (Developer)
Diana Espino, MBA Senior PHP Developer
Branding and Web design, for a modern rehabilitation center in South Florida
UI/UX and Logo design for a project developed at BattleHack Miami 2013, in collaboration with Angel Ramirez, Software Engineer, the event was sponsored by @Paypaldev. The concept was to create a native web app where people could search books online through the libraries of Miami Dade County using their phone and schedule a pick up or shipping from the library. Integrating services from Twilio, SendGrid, Paypal and more.
Brand imagery, Stationary and Outdoor Signs for a fitness center in NYC
Various Illustrations made for personal and editorial use